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Authorities, Boards, & Commissions

City Government offers a number of ways for its citizens to become actively involved in government business. Citizens may apply to serve on one of many Boards, Commissions, & Authorities. City Council actively seeks volunteers to fill positions. Selected individuals will assist in the development of policy recommendations to the City Council, provide leadership and support to City Staff, promote the City and its' programs and provide expertise in specialized areas.

Plane on Runway

Airport Advisory Board

2572 Meadville Road
Titusville PA 16354
(814) 827-5300 Ext. 314


Advisory board was created in 2020 after the City took over the management of the airport. Eight members including one City Council member. Three 5-year terms, two 3-year terms, and two 1-year terms. Meet 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5pm at the Airport. Purpose of the board is to make recommendations on airport operations and render advice on the efficient operation thereof to City Council and the City Manager. Members shall have a working knowledge of applicable FAA and PA Bureau of Aviation rules and regulations.


Gail Bean - 01/01/2025

Jim Kuhn - 01/01/2025

Mike Pedensky - 01/01/2025

Ken Hartley - 01/01/2028

John Shaffer - 01/01/2028

John Graham - 01/01/2027

John Huber - 01/01/2027

BML Front Spring 2021.jpg

Benson Memorial Library Board

Jessica Hilburn, Executive Director

213 North Franklin Street

Titusville, PA 16354



Oversees the care and management of the Library including the grounds, building, and contents. Three year term. *Seven members. Meet 3rd Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. at library.

*Two City appointments.


Sara Patterson, President

Krista Steinbuhler, Secretary

Dr. James Henderson, Treasurer

Jon Herman

Ann Warner

Marc Ross - 1/1/2028*

Stacey Ross - 1/1/2025*

Image by Jeriden Villegas

Board of Code Appeals

Three Vacancies


Consists of members who are qualified by experience and training to pass on matters pertaining to building construction and are not employees of the jurisdiction. Members are appointed by the government body and shall hold office at its pleasure.


Jon Edwards - 1/1/2028

Stephen Burdick - 1/1/2025




First Aid Kit

Board of Health

Three Vacancies


Five year term. Five members. Must be a resident of the City and hold no other City office. Meets as necessary. The Board has the responsibility for preventing the spread of infectious or contagious diseases, removing nuisances prejudicial to public health and enforcing the laws of the Commonwealth and the rules, regulations, and orders of the State Department of Health.


Dr. Scott McAllister - 1/1/2025





Firehouse Gear

Civil Service Commission

One Vacancy


Four year term. Three members. Meet as necessary. Responsible for preparing, adopting and administering civil service rules and regulations for the City of Titusville. Set the process for testing, selection and appointment of Fire and Police Department personnel. Must be a registered elector of the City.


Missy Elliott - 01/01/2028

Barbara Frye - 01/17/2028

Jesse Lobins - 01/01/2026

Alternate - Vacant





Housing Authority

Five year term. Five members. Meet 3rd Tuesday following the 3rd Monday at 3:00pm at Central Towers. Follow the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Provide housing to low income individuals who need safe, sanitary, and affordable housing. Members shall be residents of the City.


Alexa Vroman, Executive Director

217 E Central Ave. Titusville, PA 16354



Barbara Ives - 10/9/2028

Steve Coleman - 10/9/2024

Amy VanCise - 10/9/2025

Terry Kerr - 10/9/2026

Missy Wescoat - 10/9/2027


Writing with Pen

Planning Commission


Four year term. Five members. Meet 2nd and 4th Thursday January through September and 1st and 3rd Thursday October through December. Must be a resident of the City. The Commission makes recommendations concerning the adoption or amendments of the Zoning Ordinance; recommends approval or denial of subdivision requests; and prepares, recommends, and administers the Comprehensive Plan for development of the City.


Rhonda Clark, Chair - 1/1/2028

Robert Coxe - 1/1/2026

Abigail Popescu - 1/1/2027

Barb Frye - 1/1/2027

Jackie Cramer - 10/16/2027


Email the Planning Commission

House Frames

Redevelopment Authority

Two Vacancies


Five year term. Five members. Appointed by the Mayor. Meet quarterly on the first Tuesday of the following months at noon: February, May, August, November. Majority of the members shall be residents and the remainder may be non-residents who own and operate businesses in the City in which the Authority is to operate. The purpose of the Authority is the elimination of blight in the community through economically and socially sound redevelopment in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan for residential, commercial, and industrial uses.


Kristen Kerr, Executive Director

110 W Spring Street Suite 200

Titusville, PA 16354



Stephen Coleman, Chairman - 6/30/2025

Jeff Thomas, Vice Chairman - 8/2/2027

Heidi Wonderling - 3/30/2027

Andrea Kessler - 11/3/2026




Shade Tree Commission

One Vacancy


Five year term. Five members. Meet as needed. The Commission oversees the protection of shade trees throughout the City. They may make, publish, and enforce regulations for the care and protection of shade trees of the City. Members shall be residents of the City.


Darlene Frazier - 01/01/2027

Janet Zehner - 01/01/2026

Barbara Ives - 01/01/2025

Robert Cartney - 01/01/2025



Aerial View of Suburban Street

Zoning Hearing Board

One Vacancy


Five year term. Five members. Meet as needed. Serves as an independent judge in matters pertaining to the interpretation of the City's Zoning Ordinance. Cases heard before the Board deal with challenges to the validity of the Zoning Ordinance, appeals from the determination of the Zoning Officer, and consideration of application for variances or special exceptions from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Must be a resident of the Municipality and shall hold no other office in the Municipality.


Tim Russell- Zoning Officer


Bonnie Hull - 01/01/2025

Joe Covell - 01/01/2025

Joe Roddy - 01/01/2026

Nathaniel Licht - 01/01/2025


Titusville City Hall
107 N Franklin Street Titusville, PA 16354

Phone: 814-827-5300

Fax: 814-827-4359

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©2021 by City of Titusville, Pennsylvania.

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