Health Inspections
Eric Mitchell, Health Inspector
814-827-5300 extension 314
The Health Inspector ensures businesses are abiding by health and safety laws.
Health Inspector Certification
Appointment of Health Inspector by City Council
Scroll down for individual business inspection results and annual health reports.

Annual Health Reports & Business Inspection Results
Click the links below to see health reports by year and business inspection results by year for each establishment.
Duties of the Health Inspector
§ 12306. Duties of health officer.
(a) General rule.—The health officer shall:
(1) Attend all regular and special meetings of the board of health.
(2) Be available for the prompt performance of the health officer’s official duties.
(3) Quarantine places of communicable diseases in accordance with law and with the rules and regulations of the Department of Health or of the city board of health.
(4) Execute all laws, rules and regulations for the disinfection of quarantined places.
(5) Serve written notice on teachers and persons in charge of public, parochial, Sunday and other schools requiring the exclusion of children from school who are suffering from or who reside with individuals who are suffering from communicable diseases.
(6) Make sanitary inspections subject to constitutional standards in a similar manner as provided in section 12308 (relating to powers of board of health).
(7) Execute the orders of the board of health and all other laws, rules, regulations and orders pertaining to the health officer’s office.
(b) Issuance of citations.—The health officer shall, to the extent the health officer’s duties allow, have the power to issue citations for the violation of applicable laws or ordinances.